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University of Cincinnati Visual Arts Education Program
Visual Arts Education II Field Study



Fellow classmate and I



9th-12th [Intro to Photography]




Unit Title: Making Meaning From/Through Technique



Making Meaning From/Through Technique


RELEVANT STANDARDS (local, state, or national):



● Analyze how one’s understanding of the world is affected by experiencing visual imagery. (maybe we get there

next week)

● Interpret an artwork or collection of works, supported by relevant and sufficient evidence found in the work and

its various contexts.


● 2PE Identify and describe the sources artists use for visual reference and to generate ideas for


● 3RE Use appropriate vocabulary to define and describe techniques and materials used to create works

of art.


ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: (not art specific

and/or art specific)

From Ohio Standards:

What is an image?

Where and how do we encounter images in our world?

How do images influence our views of the world?

How does a technique in which a photo is taken, alter the meaning/story evoked by the






Understand how technique can be used to make meaning in a photograph


Recall different techniques used in the photography process


Determine how technique can manipulate the story portrayed by the photograph


Strengthen ability to pinpoint the effect a specific technique has on the photograph’s audience



Introduction (5min)

1. Each student is individually asked their name and “What does photography mean

to you?” in one word or phrase.

Meaning Making Activity

1. Students lay out photos on table (their own photos taken for Griga’s class)

2. Partners (4 pairs, one group of 3) choose one photo from table (not their own)

3. Students are asked to come up with a story from their photo (15min)

a. Pay particular attention to the techniques used in the photo...i.e. What

effect does the blurred image have on your story? Why? What is focused?

What is the depth of field? What do you think is outside the frame of the

photo? Why do you think it was framed in that way? Is something left out on

purpose? How does the darkness/lightness of the photo effect your story?

Who or what is the center of interest and how does that add to a story?

Some elements to stories are character , setting , conflict , plot and

theme … Are any of these elements in your story? .etc.

b. Students may convey stories in writing, performance, etc...

4. Ask for volunteers to share with group your story (15min)

5. Discuss how the technique used while taking a photograph adds a layer of

meaning to your photo




Introduction Activity: 1:35 - 1:40

Partners create stories: 1:40 - 1:55

Share stories/ Discussion: 1:55 - 2:20



Use stories as assessment of understanding of technique and meaning making (written stories, video of performance…etc)


the carrying out of specific photography tasks such as lighting, contrast, depth

of field, focus, aperture, shutter speed, etc.

Meaning Making:

(self explanatory) creating value and personal connections with artwork

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